Customer Testimonials

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Specialty Graphics, Inc. takes great pride in serving our customers, but don't take our word for it! Here's a few things our customers have had to say about us:

I just wanted to tell you how nice it is to print checks and have all of them print! We have had so much trouble with the printer pulling two checks or more and then messing up the numbers. I would take all morning to do a check run because of having to go back and make corrections! Today, I printed my payables checks in less than 5 minutes!

I am very glad to have found a supplier that uses quality material at an economical price.

Thank you,
Manassas Park, VA

Thank you for making it so easy online! Appreciate it!

South Bend, IN

Thank you. I am also going to give your name and website to our sister company. They also use Skyline and your prices appear to be cheaper than who they are currently using.

Phoenix, AZ

Hi Greg and thanks once again for your promptness which is why I always order from you!

San Jose, CA

I received your samples today. After placing our order I looked through them more thoroughly and I must say I am impressed with the quality and security features.

West Long Branch, NJ

Thank you so much! We always appreciate your quick turnaround.

Have a great evening,
Evansville, IN

I didn't realize how low we are on everything but you always get orders to me faster than anyone.

Dallas, TX

We received our checks and envelopes yesterday. Your company is very efficient. We really appreciate the great service!

Best Regards,
Steamboat Springs, CO

BTW, we really like the statements and envelopes, they are cut above the ones we were using previously.

Mark Simsbury, CT

Thank you so much! I really enjoy “shopping” from your site…very fair prices and extremely easy! Thank you for the great service for our business!

Clovis, CA

Thanks so much for immediate attention to our order and for the excellent follow-up. By the way sending out samples is great because I was able to make sure I ordered exactly what I needed.

You have a great weekend.

Fort Myers, FL

You saved me!!! I just got the shipment!!

Houston, TX

We have ordered checks and tax forms from this company for years and would never consider shopping elsewhere. The value, product quality & customer service can not be beat!
Pensacola, FL